I've been thinking of some things to do with my few days of summer. I quickly went through my closet and got rid of shoes and clothes that I don't wear in order to donate them. My anxiety, however, has been so high lately that I'm scared to leave the house without someone I'm close with. Therefore, I'm going to see if Bob will come with me to make the donations. I also have some food to donate, so I'm hoping we can go on a donation run tomorrow.
Speaking of anxiety, I'm still kind of disappointed that I haven't been able to make friends out here. I know that is partially the situation and partially my fault for not being able to overcome my anxiety. I do have one person who understands me very well, and I'm trying to get closer to her, but with the little things being so overwhelming, it's hard to even meet up with her! Ugh... :(
Anyway...I'm working on 3 different things right now, and I'd LOVE any input from anyone!
1) Physical life improvement. These are material things, such as getting rid of extra clothes and shoes. Bob and I organized some of the kitchen cabinets the other day, too. Another thing I did a couple of weeks ago was organize my jewelry. I also plan on cleaning all of my jewelry sometime this summer, too. Any other thoughts? I'll probably do the following:
- Clean jewelry
- Organize closet (hang clothes by jeans/bottoms and tops/shirts
- Clean desktop
- Organize desk files
Let me know if there are any other thoughts!
2) Mental/physical body improvement. These are things that some people may feel iffy about. While I don't really think looks are the most important thing, I think there is something to be said for just feeling better if/when I look better. For example, I probably wore my hair in a ponytail about once a week this year at school. For some reason, a lot of the teachers complimented it, but I don't think a ponytail looks very good on me, so I'd like to make a point to do my hair more often (at least if I'm going out in public). I also want to put hair cuts, hair colors, face waxing, etc. on my calendar so I remember to do them every however often they're supposed to be done. That way I don't look at my hair someday, realize I have a ton of split ends, and then realize I haven't had a haircut in 6 months! (This has happened!) So...here's my list so far:
- Scheduled haircuts
- Scheduled hair coloring
- Scheduled facial wax
- Teeth whitening
3) Healthy lifestyle. As always, I am continuing to work on my healthy lifestyle. While my weight has still had its ups and downs, I am still under 250. I weigh in again this Sunday, so we'll see how it is then. I have been kind of down lately about the number, though. I know I'm doing well, but I also know I could be doing better. My goal was to weigh 130 by Janet's wedding. In doing the math, I realize that's no longer a realistic goal. I SHOULD be happy to just be any skinnier than I am now for her wedding, but I'm realizing that I failed myself on that goal, so it's frustrating. Also, I was hoping to look so much different for my visit back to Ohio in August, but I don't think it's happening. I don't think my body will have changed enough to make a difference, and it's just embarrassing to be seen by so many people when if anything, I've probably gained weight since I was back there. :( Please give me positive thoughts and prayers to help me get over these negative ones.
Anyway, I'm sticking with Weight Watchers. Honestly, I don't think Weight Watchers can fail you if you follow it. For anyone wanting a long term solution, I highly recommend it!
As far as exercise goes, I'm going to try to start walking just 10 minutes at a time for either 3 or 4 times a week. I'll do that for a week or so then up it to 15 minutes. At this point, it seems like a low goal, but realistically, it will probably work my body enough to benefit it. I kind of want to work some type of weight exercise into that, but I don't know what to do. I know I probably shouldn't be doing all cardio, but at the same time, I don't want to push myself. Any thoughts?
Other than that, my summer is pretty much scheduled for me:
- Now - July 9th
- July 9th - August 3rd
- - Teaching ESY...I'm teaching two sessions, so I'll pretty much have nights and weekends off just like I did during the school year. Let's hope I have more free time, though, since I won't be having as many (hopefully none!) meetings or IEPs/paperwork.
- This also includes Bob's and my 1st ANNIVERSARY on July 17th! :) We're stirring up ideas now to celebrate, but feel free to throw some out there!
- August 4th - 15th
- - OHIO! can't wait to see everyone!
- August 16th - 26th
- August 27th
- - Teacher work days then school starts again...
So overall, I just have a few weeks of actual unscheduled time, but I'm hoping that works out in my favor.
I've missed writing in here as much, but I was so stressed that I just didn't have time the last month or two. I hope I'll get lots of feedback and suggestions on my road of improvement! Thanks!
Much love!