Friday, September 2, 2011

Faith and Food

Well!  I've had an exciting couple of days!  I received a call on Wednesday that an Elementary school wanted to interview me for a Resource Room position.  As I listened to this voicemail, I was disappointed for some reason.  (Note - please don't judge me).  I was grocery shopping at the time (alone), so I took the time to ponder on why I felt disappointed.  I think I had set myself up to be prepared for the worst as far as the teaching job went for this year.  I was fine with working at the bakery and so thankful for having such a wonderful support staff there.
After realizing this, I began to allow myself to feel excited again, but not get my hopes up. I "studied" all night and had a wonderful interview on Thursday.  I felt very confident and already loved the school.  I was very proud of myself for telling them at the end of the interview that I truly felt like I was a great teacher, and I just need the chance to prove it.  Not even an hour after I got home, I got a call from the principal telling me they were very interested, and they needed some more information from me.  After giving them a few contacts, I settled in bed for the night.  I told myself to be happy no matter the outcome, and I knew I truly would be.  Because of this, I think God felt I was truly ready to accept the position.  My WONDERFUL supervisor let me leave after half of my shift, and I was off to Human Resources to get my badge, sign papers and then to see my classroom!  It felt so amazing...and it STILL does.  :)

On another note, I have been doing pretty well with the food guidelines I set for myself.  I've been drinking a lot of water, and I was happily surprised to see how many water bottles Bob and I had to refill tonight!  Today wasn't the best day (at all! lol), but I'm still happy with how it went so far.  I had coffee and water at work, then the day just got ahead of me, and I didn't eat until Bob and I went out to a celebratory dinner (his treat :)).  I had fish & chips & diet coke and we shared a brownie & ice cream dessert item.  I know this wasn't healthy AT ALL, but I'm still OK with it as it was a celebration and I'm not letting it defeat me.

Well I'm going to go let this all sink in some more.  Thanks for reading. :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lack of Sleep & A New Plan

Bob and I have both been struggling to sleep for quite some time now.  It gets very frustrating for both of us, obviously.  Since we both have been experiencing it, we feel pretty bad for the other one if we find out they didn't sleep well the night before.  Last night was an unfortunate night for me. :(  We thought we had found a cure with a nighttime tea, but that didn't really work as well last night.  I first laid down to sleep at 10:30 and attempted to sleep until 12:15.  I then came out to lay on the couch and perhaps fall asleep to TV.  I know it sounds horrible, but I have done that for so many years that I thought it might help.  That didn't help too much, even though watching a show about Denise Richards was entertaining.  I finally fell asleep back in bed sometime around 2:30.  Imagine my frustration when I don't have to work today, and I only slept in until 8:30!  Oh well, I'm going to take advantage of it.  I've already started some laundry and picked up around the apartment.  With the way our apartment is set up, though, I can't do many loud activities, so I'll have to wait for dishes and sweeping until later.

As you know, I've been struggling to find something to do in my free time.  Many good suggestions have come my way, but none have seemed like a perfect fit.  I finally sat down, did some thinking and came up with a great (in my opinion) solution.  I'm going to refocus a lot of my energy into eating healthier and exercising.  My weight is something I have struggled with for...well...probably 23 years!  I've tried so many different "solutions", and none of them have worked out perfectly for me.  Thinking of what might work best, I reconsidered using dieting pills to help me, but quickly decided against that.  I thought of getting a personal trainer and re-realized that I'm poor.  I thought of getting a gym membership, then I felt horrible remembering that I have 24/7 access to a workout room downstairs.  Thinking of how easy the solution was to the exercise portion, I've decided to go back to basics with my eating habits.  I found a pretty cool and easy to follow Daily Food Plan Worksheet ( from the USDA.  Bob's reaction was that it was a great idea, but it hurts him to think of how much printer ink we'd use!  lol  So we're going to "home laminate" it so it can be reused.  Last month we started a dinner menu so that we knew what we'd be eating each night.  It helped with grocery shopping and simply planning.  We did the same thing for this month.  I'm very excited about some of the new meals we have thanks to some Facebook friends!  I'll simply chart each day and hope that it comes out to the USDA recommendations.  I will also be trying to drink lots and lots of water.  I know for a bit I will struggle with getting it correct, but hopefully I will understand that.  I'm trying to change years of habits, afterall!
Through junior high and high school, I just wanted a quick fix to the weight loss solution.  I can still remember nights where I would pray to God for a miracle as I balled my eyes out about being overweight.  I think my ideas of a miracle were liposuction and being on a weight loss TV show.  Now, I'll be praying to God for will power!  Wish me luck!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Number 3

Today is going to be an interesting week.  With a mixture of different people at the bakery, this time of year brings some people leaving for school, some people going on vacations, and other various changes in the schedule.  While there isn't much of a set schedule for me anyway, I work pretty much every other day.  As I've said before, my time off is spent in various ways, and a lot of them aren't good for me physically or emotionally.  I've currently been obsessed with watching the show Ruby and the show Nanny 911.  Maybe I'll get off my butt and out of the apartment with Bob sometime this week, though.

Anyway, today was the first day off of the week, and what better way to start it off than interview number 3.  While this interview wasn't at a school, it was at an amazing daycare - Bright Horizons.  This was a fabulous facility that I would love to work at!  There were 3 separate playgrounds for the age groups, numerous classrooms, their own curriculum base, chefs, a laundry room, and tons of teacher supply resources.  While I really want this job so that I can continue to work with children, I'm still extremely apprehensive.  For one thing, I'm pretty nervous that I won't hear back from them at all, like the result has been with the two other schools (STILL no word.  : / ).  There are also a few other glitches, but I'm really hoping that this will work out.
I'm also still extremely thankful for the bakery!  We've discussed situations like this, and they'd still allow me to work on the weekend.  :)  I'm so grateful for amazing employers!

For those of you who have commented (whether on here or through other means), I really appreciate it.  Some of this has been hard to talk about, but writing this has definitely been better for me than some other ways of coping with the frustrating parts of life!  :)

Well off to other things for the day off!


Friday, August 26, 2011


Today was an OK day.  Tonight was a wonderful night.

I spent today like I spend a lot of my days off.  It's a mixture of confusion, decision, boredom, entertainment, and frustration.  I enjoy having days off, but I feel like I'm being unproductive.  This can lead to me being tired and laying in bed for awhile.  Or I can see if Bob wants to go somewhere only to decide that I don't actually want to go there about 5 minutes later.  Then I'll try to find something to watch on Netflix only to realize I've watched most of those things.  Then I'll be depressed about my job situation for awhile.  Then this process starts all over again.  Yep...this is how my mind typically works on my days off.  I'll be honest - it could be better, but it could also be a lot worse.

So Bob and I have been in touch with some people in the APhiO chapter here at UW.  Unfortunately, there aren't any close active AOII chapters to work with.  :(  On the bright side, after contacting the APhiO people just a few days ago, we were able to set up a meeting for tonight!  So Bob and I spent a good 3 hours talking to the advisor and previous president about the state of the chapter, how we could get involved, and life in general.  It was great to meet some people and immediately feel that connection that you know you have with a brother or sister.  On the way home, still in an emotional high, Bob and I ran into Phil (one of my coworkers) and his wife on the bus home.  It was great to finally meet his wife and share laughs to make the not so long ride go even faster.

So this leads me to stay in an emotional high as I type this entry.  Will I perhaps even fall asleep well tonight and sleep until morning?  I'm drinking my "nighttime tea" as we speak just in case, but I hope it's not too good to be true.  Could Seattle start to be feeling like home?  I hope so.  :)

Also - a side note - I had a phone interview on Wednesday, and I have an in person interview with a daycare on Monday morning.  I could potentially be working with kids again!  I would still be at the bakery 1 or 2 days a week, though.  I don't want to get my hopes up, though.  At any rate, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!


Figuring things outs

Well it's 3:50AM here, and I woke up and can't fall back to sleep.  :(  So many sleeping problems lately - I'd really just love to be rested.

Last night I did a lot of thinking, and I believe I figured a few things out.  Sometimes I take my frustration out on Seattle.  Should we have moved here?  Would I have a job if I was in Ohio?  Would I get to see my friends more, or would we still be too far apart, too busy, etc.?

I LOVE the bakery.  It's amazing.  I've said before everything I love about it.  But I'm not fulfilling my dream.  I'm not working with children, and I don't feel like I'm making a difference.  In the past, I've always had a goal to achieve...graduate high school, graduate college, get a job.  Now I'm just at a standstill.  I have a job, but it's not my career.  What do I do now?  Yes, apply more, I know.  But what do I do in the meantime?

This brings up so many other questions, as well.  What can I do to make a difference now?  What can I do to help myself get a teaching job in the future?  Why am I focusing my whole life on a job when I could be thinking about other things?  I could be coming up with new hobbies - learning how to knit, sew, crochet!  Focusing more on Bob's and my menu calendar to eat healthier, work out, etc., etc.

But will all of these things help fulfill me and make me happier?  Will all of these thoughts stop running through my head?  Will I feel like I'm contributing to society?  Will I be able to sleep at night?

I don't know, but all I can do is try.  God has a plan for me, as he does for us all.  We never know what it is, so I should just stop trying to guess.  All I can do is be the best me for now and see what He has in store for me....and hope and pray that I feel fulfilled sooner rather than later.  Or else, I'm never going to get enough sleep again!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

"We'll be in touch"

I'm very careful with my words.  I rarely say I love you unless I really love the person. Yes, I believe that "love ya" and <3 are different things, but to truly say I love you can mean something different.  My point?  If you straight forward say that you'll be in touch by a certain time, I expect that from you.  When I don't hear from you by then...or even a month later, I have lost A LOT of respect for you.  If you're not going to call me unless you want to hire me, just tell me that.  Then I don't have to wait around to hear from you.  It's like a bad boyfriend or something.

Anyway, that probably tells you a lot about how my day has been going.  On the bright side, I have tomorrow and Saturday off, so Bob and I are trying to find some fun, free/cheap things to do to keep us busy.  We'll also be job searching, as usual.

I think the only way to comment on a post is if you are a member in the blogger thing, but not quite sure on that. Anyway, let me know if you have any suggestions.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


This post is going to bring out a lot of thoughts that have been kept inside for quite some time now.  I've been scared to talk about these things with most people, but I think it'll be better to get them out in the open.  If you're reading this, please leave me some positive feedback.  It's really hard for me to get this out there, but I think it'll help me in the long run (at least help me sleep, hopefully).

Jobs.  Work.  Career.  Such small words that bring such stress!  I spent 5 years in school changing my major 3 times to finally study what I realized I wanted to do - teach students with special needs.  I'm grateful that at least I could have worse careers with worse luck in finding jobs.  I'm grateful I have a degree at all, but this is still difficult.  I have a great part time job at the bakery.  I honestly couldn't ask for more.  Great pay, pretty great hours, great coworkers, amazing's all there...except the kids...and the teaching...and the feeling of making a difference that I have strived toward for so long now.

So here's what I've been hiding.  I've had 3 interviews now and applied to over 60 jobs.  I had one interview at the beginning of the month with an elementary school.  This was an emotional roller coaster for weeks as I have never heard anything back from them.  I asked what the "timeline" was, and they told me some details, but never if I'd hear either way.  I then learned to be more specific.  I had another interview yesterday and was supposed to hear back today, but I haven't heard anything.  I'm trying to keep my hopes up about this one.  I also had a phone interview this morning for a daycare.  It seems like a great position, but after some figuring I've realized that I could be worse off financially at this daycare than at the bakery!  I LOVE the bakery, but I just have this passion to work with kids!

Why have I been hiding this?  I feel like a failure.  I'm a great teacher.  I try not to boast and sound conceited, and I'm usually humble and/or hard on myself.  But I'm being honest - I am a great, passionate teacher.  I want what is best for my students, and I know I can make a difference.  So applying to over 60 jobs - literally - and only hearing back from two can be heartbreaking.  On the other hand (trying to stay positive) - at least I've heard back from these 2.

So if you've been praying for me or not, now you know the specifics of why.  This and the financial burden it is putting on me has been a wreck.  I haven't been sleeping since I can't get it out of my head, which doesn't help any other situation in the long run.

On the bright side...
1)  We got our wedding pictures in the mail today!  woot woot!

2)  My favorite little "baguette girl" came in today while I was working.  :)

3)  I have a wonderful husband who loves me.  :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

6 Bottles and Missing my friends

Part 1 - 6 Bottles.  I currently have 6 bottles of medication.  I guess you wouldn't necessarily call them bottles, but you get the point.  I've been extremely tired lately, and Bob says (he's probably right) that it's because I keep forgetting doses.  Sad days.  :(  Just so many meds so many times!  On the bright side, none of them clash with each other, so I should be happy...and I can still take over the counter meds for things such as this killer migraine I've been having.

Part 2 - Missing my friends.  Obvious.  Janet just moved to Virginia making her even further away.  I guess far away and further away aren't that bad, though.  I hope I can visit her soon!  I'm super excited for this journey in her life, and I know she'll be amazing with all of these challenges.  Jami is back in BG, and so is Jenn and all of our other friends.  I wish I could have just one more night with all of my friends together just hanging out and relaxing.  It shall come soon enough!

Dinner - So Bob and I have been making a menu calendar for each month so that we always know what's coming up for dinner.  The goal is to eventually not repeat a meal in a month.  Tonight I made lasagna - first time ever, all on my own, no recipe (yikes!).  Good news - it was amazing!  I didn't even use any ricotta cheese, though, so that will get thrown in next time.  If anyone reads this and has easy and different (and preferably cheap!) meal ideas, let me know!

So after this week, I will officially be down to the homestretch of getting everything paid off that have come up  in the last couple of months.  This includes some flights, hotel, rental car, a few dresses, etc.  It feels great to know that I'm so close!  I actually really love this budgeting stuff, as long as no huge surprises come my way!  I'm much better at saving money and not blowing it on stupid items when I have a goal in mind.  Saving for my next trip to Ohio has been really easy since I know exactly what I need.  Therefore, I've been thinking of some other things to save for.

One idea was a new laptop.  Mine works OK...definitely not dying, but definitely not the greatest.  This would be the biggest splurge.  Another idea is to save a couple of hundred to help with moving costs in May.  Whether we move back across the country or just across town, we're going to have to rent/hire someone or something since we have so much furniture now.  That will probably be one of the first things I save for.  Also, in hopes of someday getting a teaching job ;)  I've been thinking of setting aside money for a shopping trip, saving up coupons, and hitting a big sale so I can get the most of my money.  I think I'll aim for all of these, saving the computer for last.  I'm sure it would help to set up a savings account, as well.  Any financial thoughts from anyone?

I've also been in the mood lately to write letters to my friends.  I miss them, and I'd love to sit down and write one a day.  It might be typed as opposed to actually written, but I wonder if anyone would actually appreciate these.  I love getting letters!  I suppose others might, as well, so I might go ahead and give it a shot.

Well I suppose it's time to take care of some actual business!  Please comment or follow the blog!  Maybe this'll be a really good resource for me!  Thanks, friends!


Monday, August 22, 2011

Inspiration at Work

One of the amazing things about working at the Bakery is getting to know a lot of the customers who become regulars.  I also love just meeting random people who may only stop by once.  Here are a few things I love that have happened either today or recently:

Today - A woman was having some trouble paying (physically), and commented that she was frustrated from having a stroke a couple of months ago.  We chatted for a couple of minutes about how frustrating it can be to tell your body to do one thing and have it do the opposite - or nothing at all, the negatives and positives of medication, and a little more.  We then exchanged good luck wishes for each other.  While I realize a stroke is completely different than my MG, it's nice to chat with someone about similar frustrations.

There's a little girl who comes in about once a week to buy a baguette.  She's sooo adorable.  A few weeks ago I was outside eating lunch when she stopped by.  Without even saying hi, she approached me and told me that she had a loose tooth and wiggled it for me.  She told me she'd lost other teeth before, though.  I told her I liked her dress, and she told me, "Miss Sara got it for me."  I love how she assumes I know Miss Sara.  I love little kids...and seeing them every day.  :)

One man and his friend come in quite a few times a week.  They have 5 tiny dogs that accompany them most of the time.  I love taking their familiar orders and happily getting them their favorite desserts when available.  :)

My coworkers are amazing.

It rained today.  It rained a lot more tonight, too.  It hasn't rained that much since we moved here, so I was in heaven.  :)  Thank God...literally.

It's obvious that I'm in a lot better mood today, and I'm trying not to take it for granted.  So I suppose I will go spend time with my wonderful husband.  :)

P.S.  I have a kind of big day tomorrow and Wednesday.  If you are reading this, please say a prayer for me and/or keep me in your thoughts.  Thanks!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

And So I Begin

The last few months have been quite interesting.  With all of my thoughts and emotions all over the place, I thought maybe it'd be a good idea to start blogging.  Don't get too excited if you are reading this - I'm not much of a writer.  Moving across the country, away from pretty much everyone you know, sure can be an emotional rollercoaster.  I'm just going to keep it simple and sweet today by listing a few things that have been stressing me and a few (hopefully a ton!) of things that I'm thankful for.

Let's get the bad out of the way - 
-No teaching job.  Obviously one of the biggest stresses in my life currently.
-My looks.
-Myasthenia gravis
-No furry little creatures (live ones, at least) to keep me company.
-Living forever away from so many of my lifelines

-Good enough health.
-Enough money to survive
-Bob, my parents, my friends.
-Harvard and my other animals...I mean, c'mon...that's obvious. ;)
-A WONDERFUL part time job.
-Great co-workers
-Grocery shopping with Bob
-Living in Seattle
-Farmer's markets
-Being certified to teach in Washington
-Ingrid Michaelson
-Unlimited texts and phone calls to my loved ones

Well, my mission was to have more pros than cons, and I have succeeded.  I've also succeeded in taking up a little more of my free time tonight, so I would say I've at least been successful.  Win for the night.