Monday, August 29, 2011

Number 3

Today is going to be an interesting week.  With a mixture of different people at the bakery, this time of year brings some people leaving for school, some people going on vacations, and other various changes in the schedule.  While there isn't much of a set schedule for me anyway, I work pretty much every other day.  As I've said before, my time off is spent in various ways, and a lot of them aren't good for me physically or emotionally.  I've currently been obsessed with watching the show Ruby and the show Nanny 911.  Maybe I'll get off my butt and out of the apartment with Bob sometime this week, though.

Anyway, today was the first day off of the week, and what better way to start it off than interview number 3.  While this interview wasn't at a school, it was at an amazing daycare - Bright Horizons.  This was a fabulous facility that I would love to work at!  There were 3 separate playgrounds for the age groups, numerous classrooms, their own curriculum base, chefs, a laundry room, and tons of teacher supply resources.  While I really want this job so that I can continue to work with children, I'm still extremely apprehensive.  For one thing, I'm pretty nervous that I won't hear back from them at all, like the result has been with the two other schools (STILL no word.  : / ).  There are also a few other glitches, but I'm really hoping that this will work out.
I'm also still extremely thankful for the bakery!  We've discussed situations like this, and they'd still allow me to work on the weekend.  :)  I'm so grateful for amazing employers!

For those of you who have commented (whether on here or through other means), I really appreciate it.  Some of this has been hard to talk about, but writing this has definitely been better for me than some other ways of coping with the frustrating parts of life!  :)

Well off to other things for the day off!


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