While things have been so up in the air, I have been doing an absolutely horrible job with watching what I eat. I just checked my Weight Watchers online, and I haven't logged a weigh-in in 5 weeks. I have no clue how much I weigh since our scale is currently in transit to Ohio. I fear that I will be back over 250 lbs., and I'm wondering if I should wait a little bit to weigh myself again so I don't get discouraged. Curiosity will get the best of me, I think.
Anyway, while I am not happy with myself for going off of my plan so badly, I am proud of myself for realizing that this is just a road block. I've had them before, and I will have them again. This IS a lifestyle change, but that also means it will take a lot of work to make permanent changes! I spent a good amount of time tonight creating a grocery list for tomorrow to get me through the week. My meals won't be that exciting this week, but hopefully I will make it through until next week I don't have a casserole dish, no tupperware for leftovers (only bags), no spices, none of my regular cooking items (flour, spices, bread crumbs, etc), as they are in transit as well. I really don't want to buy more ingredients that might not be used quickly, so I'm going with some easier recipes this week.
With school already being in session, I've already had to pack some lunches, and I'm doing my best to find some interesting ones. I currently do not have much time to microwave lunches. I will soon hopefully have a fridge and microwave in my room at school. Until then, I've been doing a lot of tuna in bread pouches. It's been delish, but I fear I'll get sick of the same thing over and over. I'm getting ingredients for sandwiches this week such as spreadable laughing cow cheese, lettuce, bacon (FAKEon) and deli meat. I'm hoping that will be enough to spice things up. I've also been eating cinnamon applesauce (yum!) and yogurt for lunch. I've been getting the greek yogurt that has M&Ms or Reeses Pieces to sprinkle in, but I have no clue how many points those are. I might switch to something else tomorrow, but first I'll see if the candy yogurts are worth the points.
Lunches are a different story since I'm at school...dinners haven't really been satisfying me, which has led me to want to get pre-made meals or eat out. Not good for my belly OR my budget! : / My current shopping list is very much lacking anything for the dinner department except for frozen dinners, which hardly fill me up. I do have a lot of healthy snack ideas, such as fruits and vegetables. At the same time, those are all of the same fruits and vegetables I always eat...I'm running out of ideas!
I believe this will be one of my biggest issues of this lifestyle changes - While I love having good staples (i.e. taco casserole!!), I routinely need new recipes to try out and mix in. Pinterest has been absolutely amazing thus far, but I'm not finding new ideas nearly as much as I was before.
On other news in this category, I ordered Slim in 6 and Shakeology quite a few weeks ago. They were delivered to Seattle and are now in transit to Ohio. I absolutely CANNOT wait until I finally get to try them out. I especially think Shakeology will help me out as I currently usually have an unsatisfying granola bar for breakfast just because I know I need to have some type of breakfast.
I also am trying to make sure I get plenty of fluids in. Considering how much I've been going to the restroom lately, I know I've been doing well at this. I've been drinking a lot of sparkling water and Crystal light. I'm still in search of the perfect battle - keeps my drink cold, doesn't leak, and has measurements to help me track how much I drink, and is a good size for mixing Crystal Light single serves.
Sooo...if anyone has any suggestions at all, they would be extremely appreciated!!! Here's to getting back on track!!
Much Love!
Camelbak makes an insulated water bottle that doesn't leak, has the gel that keeps everything cool, and down one side is a little window to show you how much you've had. You can get them at outdoors/camping stores. I know REI carries them.