Christmas, 2012, The Number & Exercise
It's been quite a long time since I've written in here - a little over 2 months. Wow! I've been fighting some demons from within quite frequently lately, and it hasn't been very fun. Therefore, I haven't had much of a desire to blog. Tonight, I think I'm up for it...So what's been going on...
Christmas (in Ohio!) is coming!
I've been super excited for our first Christmas back in Ohio! Bob and I ended up decorating for Christmas on Thanksgiving day since our Thanksgiving plans were a little turned around. We actually get a tree skirt and a star for the tree this year, so that felt a little more complete.
Unfortunately, we're tight on money, so we don't have many other decorations besides a wreath. I'd love to get some lit up garland for outside next year. We have one garland right now, but it only reaches about 1/3 of the banister. However, decorations are not that important in the long run. :) We have many gifts wrapped under the tree all ready to go to their owners. I admit that I do have a bit of a problem in I usually like to buy the hubby tons of gifts, so he's lucky there are only 4 (I think) gifts wrapped for him this year! We still have some gifts to buy and wrap for family and other friends, and I'm very excited to do that!
The year has brought three different jobs for me and life in two different states. It has been quite crazy, but I wouldn't trade being back in Ohio for anything (OK, it'd be nice if Bob was 100% happy with being back in Ohio right now). I'm grateful that I have a job, no matter how much stress I receive from day to day, at least I am bringing in money and able to live with a roof over my head. It's been a big year for many people! I saw this video today that a friend shared on Facebook. One part in particular had me in full on tears:
New Year's Resolutions
Although it's not quite 2013, my brain has been on the path to be working toward new resolutions. Last January, I gave up pop/soda and coffee. I have done extremely well with these goals! The only time I've had any is when I've had mixed alcoholic drinks that may have had pop/soda in them. I try to avoid it still in mixed drinks, but I will make exceptions from time to time. Any suggestions for new resolutions? Of course I'm always working on weight loss, but I want to work on something a little separate from that. I'm open to ideas! Comment and leave me some!
The Number

235 pounds
Woohoo! I'm at a mixture of emotions. When I compare that number to the starting point, I am SO PROUD! But when I just look at it without comparison, I'm so embarrassed at how I've let myself get this fat. ugly. disgusting. (OK...stay semi-positive) overweight. Anyway, my hope is to lose 50 pounds in the year 2013. It's hard thinking that, because I was hoping to be at that weight at the end of this year, but I was setting my hopes a little too high back in January 2012, I guess. Hubby said he will join me in following the Weight Watchers plan in January, so we'll see if that has any impact on how I do on my weight loss.
I'm definitely doing well with following Weight Watchers, and I'm even really enjoying following the plan, trying new healthy foods and experimenting with recipes. Apparently there's another aspect to this weight loss thing called exercise?! Who ever decided to include this?! So all you
So let me know all your thoughts on Resolutions and Exercise and anything else that's on your mind!
Much Love!
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