Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Nights, Water & Exercise

Sunday nights, one of the most dreaded nights of the week.  OK, probably actually the worst night of the week.  I know a lot of it is my anxiety heightening everything, but...UGH...I just don't want to go back to work.  :/
Oh well, at least I have a job.  And it's in my career field.  And...I have other things to look forward to after work.  :)
In college, Sunday nights weren't really that bad.  AOII and APhiO meetings were ALWAYS on Sundays, so it was a time I looked forward to - sharing everything I loved with all of my closest friends. <3

Anyway, today was an interesting and VERY good day.  Last year, I lost a total of 40 pounds, as I previously wrote about in another post.  I did this without a whole lot of exercise.  Realizing that I could lose 40 pounds without a lot of exercise, I was really curious to see what I could do with healthy eating AND exercise.  I know it's not the most perfect thing to do, but I really enjoy starting new routines on Sundays.  Therefore, I started this morning with a 30 minute walk on the treadmill in our fitness center.  I thought quite a bit about what form of exercise to do, but walking seemed like the only thing at this time that would be least overwhelming enough that I would actually keep up with it.  I wanted to find different programs with different inclines and speeds, but I'm going to save that for later months.  For right now, I am just going to try to walk 30 minutes a day as often as I can.  I think I'm kind of hoping for 6 days a week, although I don't have a set rest day.  At this time, I'm also hoping to do this right after school.  I enjoyed the walking today, but that was after waking up without an alarm clock and not having anything else to do immediately.  I hope that I can continue this past the first few days in which I might just be exhausted after work.  I eventually want to work in weight machines.  Not to be superwoman, but just for some basic muscle and toning.  I used to be so much stronger!  
Also in a previous post, I had posted about wanting to give something up.  Thanks so much to those of you who gave me ideas.  I've decided that I'm going to try to drink 8 glasses of water a day.  The number might go down, because my friend Meli told me that 3 - 5 glasses a day is enough.  I'm definitely seeing how that could be possible.  Already on day 1, I wonder why I didn't want to do this sooner!  I drank 1 glass before/during/after walking, and then 2 more throughout the day.  I'm finishing up glass 4 as I type.  Even during the first couple of glasses, I felt so full!  Three of the four glasses were straight water, and 1 of them was flavored with Crystal Light Appletini flavor.  Yum!  :)  I am aiming for 2 glasses a day this week, 3 glasses a day next week, and 4 glasses a day after that.

Next time I decide to give up/add something as a "rule" to my lifestyle, I think I'm going to go with making sure I eat a fruit or veggie every day, then maybe switch it to with every dinner or something similar.  I pretty much always eat fruit, so that might not be too bad.  But that's for a couple of months from now!  :)

Have a good week, everyone!
Much Love!

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