Friday, April 6, 2012

The Debate Team...Me, Myself, and I

It's been an interesting week...Yesterday I went to my weekly psychiatrist appointment.  The main topic of discussion?  My tattoo.  Why do I feel the need for such approval from other people on this? I've been pondering back and forth, back and forth.  Once, I dated a guy for about 2 years.  He didn't like it when I died my hair.  So I didn't.  He also didn't like my hair a certain length, so I kept it the length he liked.  Did he MAKE me do this? NO!  Did he even ASK me to do it?  No!  But I just had to have that constant approval, so I refrained from dying my hair.  Goodness.  That was crazy.  For those of you who have known me since then, I LOVE dying my hair...such a quick change that can be so fun.  I'm glad that even if Bob likes my hair one color, I can change it back and forth.  
But this tattoo...if he doesn't like it, I can't (well, pretty much can't and won't) get it removed.  Well, he's told me he won't like it.  This is just killing me.  Is he telling me NOT to get it?  NO!  Is he telling me it's a bad decision? Yes.  Especially professionally? Yes.  But are my coworkers and other professionals telling me to go ahead and get it? YES!  So contradictory.  The main point of this tattoo is NOT to hide it.  It's to remind myself that I Can do so many things that I thought were impossible before and might think are impossible in the future.  BUT, if I have very professional meetings, if I have more interviews down the road, if I hate it when I'm 80, I can wear any number of watches, bracelets or other jewelry to hide it if I want to.  It just makes perfect sense to me, but I feel like there's got to be some catch.

So anyway, I've decided that I will be getting the tattoo, and tomorrow is the day.  Now, how do I go about doing this? lol...I'm gonna have to give good ol' Fish a call.  I know where I want it done, but I don't know if I have to go in today or earlier for a sketch or whatever and then come back for the tattoo.  I feel kind of silly, but hey...if you're getting one, everybody's gotta go through the first time once, right?

Anyway...onto another topic.  I was on an emotional high yesterday.  After much debate about how/when to exercise (note that I had already convinced myself that I needed to exercise no matter what), I finally decided to do Day 1 of Couch to 5K (again...I did C25K sometime a year or 2 ago).  I flew through it with no problems and cried happy tears about 10  minutes into it because I was so proud of myself.  Fast forward to today.  Five minute warm up walk...doing fine.  Just fine.  Jog from minute 5 to minute 6?  Fail. At 5:05 I abruptly stopped the treadmill feeling a fall come on.  Bob asked if I was OK, but I was so stunned I couldn't say much.  I know, it's kind of obvious and I shouldn't expect so much so quickly, but it was still just so devastating that I (think) literally could not run for even that 1st minute.  I didn't want to push it...just too risky with the surgery healing still...falling would not be a good option.  So I took a breather, got a drink and did 15 minutes on the bike until Bob was done with his workout.  Am I bummed? completely. still...I think I will be for awhile.  Can I still do other workouts? Yes.  But was my heart set on C25K again? Yes.  We'll see how long it takes me to forget about this one.  

On another note, the steri-strips are all off of 2 of the 3 incision sites.  They're still looking great although when I touch them I can definitely feel the thickness of the tissue there.  No worries.  I'm fine with 3 tiny little battle wounds.  I'm going to add them to my huge scar from the ovarian cyst removal and make a story about them and the big war that they fought for my body.  :)  I also have 6 or so huge bruises from those shots.  Maybe they can be cities that got attacked.  This should be interesting.  Let me know if you have any ideas for characters.  :)  Maybe my tattoo can come into play in this novel. lol

Well, I just had to get some frustration out into writing.  Plus, I'm standing here typing as I let my tanning lotion dry.  Jergens...MUST BUY!  :)  I'm telling's great!  :)  

As usual, please leave the love!  I could definitely use some encouragement with the tattoo for tomorrow! 
P.S. (If you read this and talk to my 'rents (mainly if Kirk and/or Kyle read this), mom knows and dad doesn't. :)  That's how I'd like to keep it until I have to see them face to face again. K. thanks.) :) lol

Much Love!

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