Saturday, April 7, 2012

My Number & My Foot

Well I've woken up a little too early for my Spring Break likings, but not too early for my body, so I'm going to go with it (it's 8:38AM).

My number.  My weight.  What is it?  Well, there are numerous ways that people could have guessed it now, could have figured out that dreaded, awful, 3-digit number that seems to either depress me or inspire me.  While it is still way too high for my liking, it has been mostly an inspiration for the past months.  Watching it drop almost every week and get closer and closer to each sub-goal along with my obvious overall goal has been thrilling!  It's such a challenge.  Even on the bad weeks, watching my body almost from the outside looking in to see how I handle the defeat seems to be quite  interesting.  So, my number...will I reveal it?  I'd like to share some of the subgoals on here and work toward them.  Tell you how close I am to such and such and how I now weigh the equivalent of an elephant instead of a circus! ;)  So while I realize that I am morbidly obese (no joke there at all), I do have to mention that when you read MY number, realize that I know there are numbers out there that are bigger than mine and smaller than mine.  My number is just that - MY number.  One of the things that bothers me most is when people talk about how "fat" they are then reveal their number of 110 lbs. or something like that.  BUT, no matter what your number, if you are attempting to lose weight, I support you.  So, I weigh in on Sundays, so that means this number will change tomorrow.  But, as of last Sunday, my number was....

252.8 lbs. 

So, now that you've figured that one out, I can share a few other things.  My starting weight as of January 15th was 275 lbs.  I've lost 22.2 lbs. since then averaging out to 2 lbs. a week.  :)  Now, one of my subgoals is to be under 250.  That's why I've been so excited about this lately.  Will I hit that goal this week?  I've been eating healthy, and I've exercised 3 times!  Normally I don't exercise at all!  So please keep your fingers crossed (and as my kids at school would say, "and your legs and your arms and your hairs..!!!") that this week that scale will be showing me something that starts with 24...otherwise, I'll just be happy with a loss or learn from a gain. news.  After much and much and much discussion with Haley and Alicia, I think I've come to another (sub)conclusion.  Thank you SO much, you two, and so many other people, for putting up with me this week and prior.  You know it's a huge deal for me.  Bob has made a valid point for some time now that it's very typical of me to want something really bad but then not care about it as much once I get it.  Last night he made this point again and we discussed a few more things.  I now think that I am getting the tattoo on my foot.  As Janet nicely pointed out, I can think of it as walking every day...I take a step each day, and I know that "I Can".  (OK, she put it a little nicer, but you get the idea).  So my left wrist had symbolism, so I think I'm going with my left foot.  I think the tattoos on the side of feet are beautiful, but I want it to be more visible to me so that I see it all the time.  Now I'm thinking on the top either across the middle or closer to my toes.  

So, my appointment is at 12:00 today, and Ben, the guy doing it, seems really nice.  I feel really relaxed in their shop.  Alicia recommended bringing a towel to bite down on.  I'm definitely taking that advice.  The whole time I've been making this decision, I've vowed to myself to not let pain be a factor on the placement.  So, this is gonna hurt. lol  Any other recommendations, let me know.  

So, as for the next post, get excited for some tattoo pics and if it's tomorrow, my *new* number!

**Surgery update - incisions healing like ....well, I can't think of anything creative...but they're healing SO well!  I tried on clothes yesterday like a pro!  It's hard to do with 3 incisions around your breast/armpit area!   

Thanks for reading!  It's appreciated, as always! 

Much Love!


  1. What what!!! I love you girl. You are so amazing and inspiring. I <3 your tattoo (I saw a picture on facebook)!!

    1. Thanks, my love! I'm obsessed with the tattoo right now, and there has been absolutely no pain since the second he was finished (and not too much during, I might add!)! Thanks for ALL of your love and support in EVERYTHING I do! :)
      Love ya!
