Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight...

This is probably the eighth time I've attempted to write a blog post in the past few days.   I keep just deleting it because I can't finish my thoughts or I think I'm really just not that entertaining.  Well, I truly am not that entertaining, but blogging is SUPPOSED to be for me. :)  So...I'll try again.

Muscles.  dying.  No news there.  even as 'we speak', my writing is going to get worse because i just can't  make my fingers try any harder!  I'm so extremely tired...every second.  In case I haven't explained it before, the MG makes my body feel like I've just worked out.  on days like today, it's like I did a 6 hour workout this morning and still have the immediate after effect all day.  :(  I can't stop trying to do things, though.  This morning I wanted terribly, terribly badly to go to the farmers market (as I've come to want to do each Saturday & Sunday morning).  I got ready pretty much on my own (yay, accomplishment!). I could feel the weakness as I got ready, but nothing too terrible.  I got in the car and ventured toward the market before I realized I didn't have any cash and should probably stop at an ATM.  I found a bank and parked.  After about 10 steps I felt like I was going to fall.  The it hit I going to fall?  Will I even make it back to the car?  I can't even get into the bank for money, so the farmers market is out of the question.  Farmers Market?!  What was I even thinking!  That's straight up walking right there!  Ugh!  So I got in the car and prepared to cry.  Surprise - I didn't.  Was i frustrated?  Yes?  Did I talk sense into myself that it could be much worse? yes.  So, I called Bob, we went and got breakfast and he helped me get groceries (not allowing me to ride in the electric cart thing [partially for fun, partially to eliminate walking]).  now i'm home...and have been. bed is made, laundry is almost done, kitchen is clean, mail is ready to be sent, etc.  And...i'm. tired.  but what do I want to do?  I want to go shopping.  I want to go to the library.  I want to see a movie.  I want to paint my nails.  I want to organize my closet.  What can I do?  All of those things, truly.  What SHOULD I do?  probably read.  or watch tv.

So after all of that venting, I'm going to relish in the fact that I DO still have books from the library last week that I haven't finished.  I shall read those...and maybe start a new season of watching The Biggest Loser (or something else...we'll see).  At least I HAVE the opportunity to read books and watch TV.  Right?!  :)

So, on another (related) note, Bob is leaving for NC for a work trip this week.  He's flying out tomorrow morning and coming back sometime late Friday night.  I'm worried about how I'll be while he's gone, of course, but I also hope he has fun.  I know it's a work trip, but it's a trip! :)  I wish our NC friends were closer to Greensboro so he could see them!

I'm still steadily thinking about the goals that Kelly set in her blog and working on my own.  Here are my general thoughts for now:

Diet - Continue with Weight Watchers.  It is working wonders!  :)
Exercise - This one is going to have to (sadly) go on the back burner until sometime in April...unless the doctor approves exercise before the surgery again.  I WAS getting into Zumba, and I think I'll stick with trying that again.
Finances - Pay mom & dad back for a few things (ok, a lot of things) they helped me purchase (such wonderful parents!) back before I had my teaching job.  Please don't judge me.  lol...I know I'm spoiled, but at least I'm paying them back for it all! :)
Old Friendships  - Continue to make daily if not weekly connections with all of my favorites.  Also write snail mail or something similar to those I haven't spoken to as much.
New Friendships - Such an intimidating thing for me.  : / I'm open to suggestions on this, or at least I'd like to think so.  I'm so intimidated by new social situations it's not even funny (no, really..the psych. and I are talking about this!  :) )
Career - Continue to take advantage of the classes offered through our District.
Adventure (a new one!) - Finalize plans for my tattoo!!!

So those are a mixture of overall general goals and sub-monthly goals...I'll break them down (hopefully) in my next post.

Much Love!  :)

If you were falling, then I would catch you.
You need a light, I'd find a match.

Cause I love the way you say good morning.
And you take me the way I am.

If you are chilly, here take my sweater.
Your head is aching, I'll make it better.

Cause I love the way you call me baby.
And you take me the way I am.

I'd buy you Rogaine when you start losing all your hair.
Sew on patches to all you tear.

Cause I love you more than I could ever promise.
And you take me the way I am.
You take me the way I am.
You take me the way I am.

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